EDAM is excited to announce Community Edge training available near you!  Sessions are targeted towards Municipal Councilors and Senior Staff.

Register Here for Community Edge Regional Training Sessions

The MB Community Edge Municipal Capacity Building Project is an initiative that will deliver  CED capacity building training to over 300 municipal officials and community leaders across all of rural and northern Manitoba. The project will see Community Edge, Manitoba’s CED Certification Program offered in ten regional centres across the province. Sessions will be offered with two modules/day in each region.

The project will teach practical skills and strategies to help Manitoba communities build strength, stability and resilience. The program is targeted towards economic development practitioners, elected officials, administrators and community development champions. The program consists of eight modules with the first four modules focusing on the foundations of what CED is, why it is important, how it can be structured and how it integrates into municipal planning and financial investments. This CED training is foundational learning for community leaders and elected officials and will enable them to fulfill their responsibility to create the environment for business development, investment attraction and job creation.

The four modules are valued at $900 but are being offered at an amazing rate of $50 per day ($25/module) thanks to funding made available through the Prairies Rural Opportunities Fund 2.0. The project is being supported by Manitoba Community Futures Offices.

Please check back in as more regional dates are announced!

Current training options locations/dates:

Northern dates coming soon!


Community Edge Can Be Delivered in Your Community!

Email the EDAM office at edammanitoba@gmail.com for more information.

The program consists of 8 modules typically delivered as in-person training sessions of 3 hours duration. Certification requires completion of all 8 modules which will be offered in conjunction with EDAM annual events and forums. Upon request, the modules can also be delivered on-site to councils or community groups which may only be interested in introductory modules.

CommunityEdge is recognized and endorsed by AMM, CF MB and the Manitoba Government.

Why Become a Certified EDO?

Becoming certified will allow you to:

  • Gain the skills to help your community thrive through strategies that promote economic stability, diversification and sustainability.
  • Learn practical skills and strategies that will optimize your likelihood of success in your role.
  • Be recognized in Manitoba and enjoy greater opportunities and a competitive advantage in your job search.
  • Put plans forward with greater confidence and instill confidence in those who follow them.

CommunityEdge Modules

Community-Edge-Brochure-Updated 2024